Seminar:"World Wide Web Traps: How to Save Yourself in a Sea of Digital Opportunities"

Discussion with experts

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Access to knowledge and information has always been the privilege of only certain groups of people - aristocracy or representatives of religious cults - for most such opportunities were not available. In the age of the information society, when technologies have become available, the situation has changed dramatically. Undoubtedly, the world opened up, became closer to each of us. Allowed to receive any information from all over the world. Art, science, politics and entertainment all open at the touch of a screen on a mobile phone or computer keyboard. But has the modern man in the information world been given the freedom to choose and access to true knowledge?


Technology was made accessible to each of us by participants in the information process - not only consumers but also creators of messages. Media, bloggers, thought leaders who want to make money by selling and consuming information - the millions of thoughts and points of view that simultaneously sounded in the virtual and media space, as before, remove  person from the truth, create obstacles to groundbreaking and knowledge of information become a threath to private life. Lies, manipulations, false points of view also change the modern audience of its perception of reality, transformed modern communication. During the workshop, an attempt will be made to analyze key threats to the information space, to consider examples of media influences and to identify new ways of safe existence in the measurement of information.

Speaker: Victoria Romanyuk, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of, Deputy Director of the Mohyla School of Journalism.

Show time & place

Lviv Region,
Danylo Halytsky sqv., 4
Educational center of the city of Lviv
Start time
December 4 at 15:00


NGO "Patronus"
NGO Feminist Workshop, Lviv Regional Youth Cente
+380 96 5522731