Travelling Docudays UA in Zaporizhzhia Oblast and Germany
Travelling Docudays UA in Zaporizhzhia Oblast and Germany

Travelling Docudays UA in Zaporizhzhia Oblast and Germany
The festival takes place from 14 November to 22 December in online and offline formats.
Open events and film screenings programme:
8 December – Exhibition "Unconquered Kherson", Chornomorsk.
14 December – Photo exhibition "The Travelling in Chornomorsk".
The works of the groups of the Chornomorsk Center for Out-of-School Education, which will be done after watching Mandrivny's films and photos from Mandrivny, are designed in the editor in the form of drawings.
21 December – Screening and discussion of the film Ivan's Land, Zaporizhzhia.
The discussion topic: promotion of Ukrainian culture and art and the preservation of cultural heritage.
22 December – Screening and discussion of films: Fortress Mariupol. Orest., Liturgy of Anti-Tank Obstacles, Zaporizhzhia.
Film screenings in Germany:
13 December – screening and discussion of the film Ivan's Land, Halle.
The discussion topic: the promotion of Ukrainian culture and art and the preservation of cultural heritage.
Working languages of discussion: Ukrainian, German, English.
17 December – Screening and discussion of films: Fortress Mariupol. Orest., Liturgy of Anti-Tank Obstacles, Marburg.
The discussion topic: art during the war.
All film screenings will be followed by discussions with experts.
For a detailed schedule, contact Victoria Veres, regional coordinator of Travelling Docudays UA in Zaporizhzhia Oblast: [email protected], tel. 0963385464.
Or contact us through the Facebook page of the Travelling Docudays UA in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast.