Travelling Docudays UA in Volyn Oblast
Travelling Docudays UA in Volyn Oblast

Travelling Docudays UA in Volyn Oblast
The festival takes place on 3-10 December in online and offline formats.
The events and film screenings programme:
3 December – Opening of the festival. Presentation of the photo exhibition "Unconquered Kherson".
Screening and discussion of the film Fortress Mariupol. Orest.
5 December – Fortress Mariupol. Orest.
9 December – Fortress Mariupol. Orest.
December 10 – A House Made of Splinters. The creative team members and film protagonists will take part in the discussion.
All film screenings will be followed by discussions with experts.
For a detailed schedule, contact Bohdana Stelmakh, regional coordinator of Travelling Docudays UA in Volyn Oblast: [email protected], tel. 0662035031).
Or contact us through the Facebook page of the Travelling Docudays UA in Volyn Oblast.