Travelling Docudays UA in Uzhhorod
Travelling Docudays UA in Uzhhorod

Travelling Docudays UA in Uzhhorod
The Festival takes place from 28 November to 14 December 14 in online and offline formats.
The events and film screenings programme:
28 November – Screening of the film Liturgy of Anti-Tank Obstacles.
29 November – Screening of the film Fortress Mariupol. Orest.
1 December – Screening of the film The Hamlet Syndrome.
2 December – Webinar "How to Document War Crimes."
With the participation of Mykhailo Davydenko, director of the Uzhgorod City Center for providing free secondary legal aid, a practising lawyer, and a lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law at the Uzhhorod National University.
5 December – Screening of the film Mountains and Heaven in Between.
6 December – Screening of the film Peace and Tranquility.
7 December – Screening of the film I Did Not Want To Make a War Film.
9 December – Discussion "Safe Childbirth During the War".
12 December – Screening of the film Cry My River.
14 December – Opening of the photo exhibition based on the results of the photo competition among young people "If it were not for the war...".
All film screenings will be followed by discussions with experts. Film directors will visit some of the discussions.
For a detailed schedule, contact Mariia Mendzhul, regional coordinator of the Travelling Docudays UA in Transcarpathia: [email protected], phone: 0506744856.
Or contact us through the Facebook page of the Travelling Docudays UA Festival in Uzhhorod.