The film screening by the Travelling Docudays UA-2022 in the German city of Marburg
The film screening by the Travelling Docudays UA-2022 in the German city of Marburg

Two Ukrainian documentaries were screened within the Travelling Docudays UA-2022 on 17 December in Marburg, Germany. The event took place thanks to the NGO Kultprojektor in partnership with BRUKS, a student initiative of the Philipps University of Marburg.
The audience from Germany and Ukraine watched the films Fortress Mariupol. Orest directed by Yulia Gontaruk, and Liturgy Of Anti-Tank Obstacles by Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk. Everyone who stayed for the discussion after the screening spoke about the pain, hope, and creativity of Ukrainians, as well as about Ukraine's victory in a full-scale war with Russia.
Film screening at the Philipps University of Marburg within the 19th Travelling Docudays UA in Germany. Photo: Alicia Cellini
The film screening and discussion were moderated by Victoria Veres, an expert on the development of Ukrainian culture and art, the director of the NGO Kultprojektor, together with Natalya Aliabieva, a Ukrainian human rights defender, lawyer and professor.
The event organisers are grateful to Oleh Dorohyi for the Ukrainian-German translation, as well as to Mariia Katrysh for the posters.
Film screening at the Philipps University of Marburg within the 19th Travelling Docudays UA in Germany. Photo: Alicia Cellini
The film screening took place in partnership between the NGO Kultprojektor and the Travelling Docudays UA with the assistance of BRUKS, a student initiative of the Philipps University of Marburg.
Author: Victoria Veres, an expert in the development of Ukrainian culture and art, director of the NGO Kultprozhektor
Cover photo: Alicia Cellini