The 21st Travelling Docudays UA in the Kirovohrad Region: digest of events
The 21st Travelling Docudays UA in the Kirovohrad Region: digest of events

Please welcome the incredible Travelling Festival in the Kirovohrad Region! During less than a week, it will visit more than 20 cities and villages of the region and bring people together around talented human rights films at screenings and online discussions.
Here is the schedule of the public events:
November 4, 10 AM (online)
Opening of the Festival in the Kirovohrad Region. Screening and discussion of the documentary Girl Away From Home (dirs. Simon Lereng Wilmont, Alisa Kovalenko).
November 4, 12 PM
Holubiyevychi. Screening and discussion of the film Boots on the Ground, Hands in the Soil (dir. Karolina Uskakovych).
November 4, 1 PM
Kropyvnytskyi. Screening of the film Girl Away From Home (dirs. Simon Lereng Wilmont, Alisa Kovalenko), followed by an expert discussion dedicated to mental issues in wartime and the ways to deal with them.
November 4, 2 PM
Kompaniivka. Screening of The Kyiv Files by Walter Stokman, followed by an online meeting with historian and author Eduard Andryushchenko, who helped the director with the material for this film.
November 4, 6 PM
Bobrynets. Screening and discussion of Girl Away From Home (dirs. Simon Lereng Wilmont, Alisa Kovalenko).
November 4, 7 PM
Pidhaytsi. Screening and discussion of Kiosk by Daniel Stopa.
November 5, 10 AM (online)
Screening and discussion of the documentary Caught in the Net (dirs. Barbora Chalupová, Vit Klusák) within the framework of the informational campaign “Sexual Abuse on the Internet: How to Protect Children.”
November 5, 2 PM
Kropyvnytskyi. Screening and discussion of the film Boots on the Ground, Hands in the Soil (dir. Karolina Uskakovych).
November 5, 3 PM
Harmanivka. Screening and discussion of the film Kiosk by Daniel Stopa.
November 5, 6 PM
Bobrynets. Screening of the film Kiosk by Daniel Stopa, followed by a discussion with experts.
November 6, 10 AM (online)
Screening of the film Kyiv Files by Walter Stokman. Round table “Human right to protection of honor and dignity.”
November 6, 1 PM
Maryivka. Screening and discussion of the film Boots on the Ground, Hands in the Soil (dir. Karolina Uskakovych).
November 6, 2 PM
Kropyvnytskyi. Screening of the film Nelson the Pig (dir. Anneke de Lind van Wijngaarden) and discussion with experts.
November 6, 2 PM (online)
Screening of the film Kiosk by Daniel Stopa, followed by meeting with the director during the discussion.
November 6, 2 PM
Sofiivka. Screening and discussion of Boots on the Ground, Hands in the Soil (dir. Karolina Uskakovych).
November 6, 3 PM
Rozdollya. Screening and discussion of Girl Away From Home (dirs. Simon Lereng Wilmont, Alisa Kovalenko).
November 6, 3.45 PM
Rozdollya. Screening and discussion of Nelson the Pig (dir. Anneke de Lind van Wijngaarden).
November 6, 6 PM
Bobrynets. Screening and discussion of Nelson the Pig (dir. Anneke de Lind van Wijngaarden).
November 6, 7 PM
Pidhaytsi. Screening of the film The Kyiv Files by Walter Stokman and discussion with experts.
November 7, 10 AM (online)
Screening and discussion of the film Boots on the Ground, Hands in the Soil, meeting with the director Karolina Uskakovych.
November 7, 1 PM
Kropyvnytskyi. Screening of the film Kiosk by Daniel Stopa and discussion with experts dedicated to the issue of family violence.
November 7, 6 PM
Bobrynets. Screening and discussion of the film Boots on the Ground, Hands in the Soil (dir. Karolina Uskakovych).
November 8, 2 PM (online)
Press event dedicated to the Festival’s closing. Screening and discussion of Nelson the Pig (dir. Anneke de Lind van Wijngaarden).
November 8, 6 PM
Bobrynets. Screening of the film The Kyiv Files by Walter Stokman, followed by a discussion with experts.
Save the dates and follow the announcements on the Docudays UA / Kropyvnytskyi / Kompaniivka Facebook page or the Events section of the main page of the Travelling Festival, where more detailed information about all the events will be published. Please note that the programme is subject to changes.
The 21st Travelling Docudays UA is supported by the Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine, and International Media Support. The opinions, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily reflect the views of respective governments or charitable organizations of these countries. The author(s) of this publication are solely responsible for its content.