Citizens of Kryvyi Rig got acquainted with ‘Living library’

Citizens of Kryvyi Rig got acquainted with ‘Living library’

04 December 2014

On 29-30 November in the gallery ‘F-art Gallery’ in Kryvyi Rig there was a caricature exhibition  ‘There is a better side of Europe’ and an interactive project ‘Living library’. The events took place within the Travelling Festival Docudays UA.

Organizers report that attendants interestedly studied the caricatures. A voting was conducted at the exhibition. Each guest received a ‘heart’ and could ‘like’ the work he preferred. The exhibition housed 45 caricatures.

The ‘living library’ was quite a new experience for the gallery attendants. Only after a detailed presentation of the purpose of the project people had the heart to ‘read’ the books offered. In general all ‘living’ books remained pleased and their readers enlightened. There were 8 books presented in the library with their interesting stories: an ATO soldier, an ATO volunteer, an Orthodox Church priest, a rabbi, a yogi, a Euromaidan participant, a mother of a child with DS, a psychotherapist. 

Every evening the exhibition was finished by screenings of festival films The Last Limousine and A Diary of a Journey.

According to the voting results the first place (34 likes) received the caricature ‘ How do courts work’ (on the picture), the second place (32 likes) – ‘Military men’s salary’,  the third place (31 like) – ‘Affluent old age’
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