What Should We Do to Save the Planet?
What Should We Do to Save the Planet?

The Edison Space Coworking brought together film lovers in Zaporizhia. As a part of the Travelling International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Docudays UA, they watched the film Death by Design by Sue Williams.
In her investigation across the world, the filmmaker exposed the backstage of the electronics industry and proved that even the smallest devices have deadly environmental and health costs.
How often do you buy new gadgets?.. What can you do to save the planet? These are the questions at the beginning and the end of Death by Design.
“Using radioactive elements in producing details for phones and other electronics, environmental pollution during the manufacturing, consequences of disorganized utilization of gadgets. Negative environmental effects at every stage. But there are people who think about it and produce environmentally clean laptops from wood already now,” emphasized an audience member.
During the discussion, you could hear about the need and readiness to reduce consumerist activity. There is also organized collection of gadgets due for a landfill. But is it enough to save the environment?
“In Zaporizhia today, only batteries are utilized. And I hope there will be people who are ready to extend their activities to cover devices. We need to raise awareness among people, reduce their dependence on advertising and desire to buy something just for the sake of buying, not because of need. Because it’s about our environment, again,” said Viktoria Veres, the coordinator of the Travelling Festival.