
Travelling Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival takes place every year from September to December inclusive in the regions of Ukraine. The festival programme consists of a selection of documentaries from the programme of the Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival which takes place in late March in Kyiv and other events.


Objective of the Festival

To facilitate the respect for and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, to establish an understanding of human dignity as the highest value, to raise the level of civil activity in Ukraine, to promote the development of documentary filmmaking.


Mission of the Festival

We create opportunities for every person in Ukraine to watch talented and relevant human rights documentary films from all over the world. We shape an active civic position and respect for human dignity. We support the development of the Ukrainian film industry.


The Travelling Docudays UA is a non-commercial, non-political, and non-religious project. 


Regional partners cannot:

  • hold any events jointly or with the support of any political party and/or religious organization.
  • invite representatives of political parties and/or religious organizations to the events as speakers, experts, moderators.



  • Non-Governmental Organization “Docudays”
  • Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union
  • Charity Organization “Charity and Health Fund”
  • Centre for Contemporary Information Technology and Visual Arts
  • Regional partners


Regional partners of The Travelling Docudays UA

Organizers of the Travelling Festival in the regions can be public organizations, cultural organizations, charitable foundations, informal public associations, state bodies, and self-government bodies that share the values, goals, and objectives of the festival, supporting the Declaration of Ethical Principles and meeting the following criteria:

  • the applicant organization has sufficient resources to provide technical, informational, and other conditions for film screenings and holding events during the Travelling Docudays UA in its region;
  • has a strong reputation in the cultural sphere and among public activists in its region;
  • has experience in holding cultural and human rights events;
  • is not a satellite of any political party or religious denomination;
  • is ready to commit to copyright using films provided by NGO Docudays. This commitment is confirmed by the regional partners in a special agreement.

To gain the status of a regional partner of the Docudays UA festival, the applicant organization must submit an application and provide evidence of compliance with the above criteria to [email protected].


The decision to grant the status of a regional partner is taken by the Executive Body of the NGO Docudays basing on the recommendation of the Director of Docudays UA Networks Department.


Preparation for Travelling Docudays UA

Every year in March, regional coordinators, representatives of partner organizations visit the Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Kyiv, where they have the opportunity to learn the festival programme, watch films, visit the DOCU/CLASS documentary workshop, human rights events and various networking meetings.


No later than the end of May, the regional partners should express their preferences for the films and human rights activities they would like to include in the Traveling Docudays UA programme to the management team of the Travelling Festival. These preferences and comments should be indicated in the appropriate questionnaire provided by the festival management team.


Taking into account regional partners’ requests, the management team of the Travelling Festival develops the programme of Traveling Docudays UA, communicates with the copyright owners and obtains permits for the screenings and number of screenings in the regions of Ukraine. By the end of July, the Travelling Festival's management team should make a final list of films to be shown within Travelling and provide this list to regional partners.


By the end of August, the management team of the Travelling Festival should create and send to regional partners a basic package of visual materials for the Travelling Festival promotion: poster builders, posters, schedules, images for social media, Travelling Docudays UA trailer.


One month before the start of the Travelling Festival, the management team organizes a workshop, where the regional coordinators can delve into the theme and programme of the Festival, take part in lectures and workshops to promote the Festival and improve its quality, etc.


During the preparation of the Travelling Festival, the regional partners are obliged to send to the festival management team the relevant documents on the basis of which the programme and principles of cooperation are shaped. The regional partners will receive the forms of these documents no later than the end of August 2021.


The list of documents for Travelling Docudays UA preparation


Send to


Funding application

[email protected]

2 weeks before the Festival for those who start the Festival in September. For all who plan to start the Festival later than October 1 (inclusive) — 4 weeks before.

Preliminary schedule of public events for the approval

 [email protected] 


2 weeks before the Festival for those who start the Festival in September. For all who plan to start the Festival later than October 1 (inclusive) — 4 weeks before.

Communication plan for the approval

[email protected] 

1 week before the Festival or earlier.

Попередній графік правозахисних заходів

[email protected] 


2 weeks before the Festival for those who start the Festival in September. For all who plan to start the Festival later than October 1 (inclusive) — 4 weeks before.

Posters templates

[email protected]

2 weeks before the Festival or earlier.

Final schedule of public events


[email protected] 


9 days before the Festival or earlier.

Final schedule of human rightd events 

9 days before the Festival or earlier.

Signed cooperation agreement

[email protected]

1 week before the Festival or earlier.

Request for films to  download. It should be submitted with the number of the cooperation agreement (which should be already signed).

[email protected]


1 week before the Festival or earlier.


The regional coordinator agrees on the public screenings and human rights events programme with the management team of Travelling Docudays UA and provides an exact schedule of events for placement on the website of the Travelling Festival.


Regional coordinators should agree on a promotional plan, present final visual materials they plan to use on social media.


No later than one day before the copyrights under contract go into effect the NGO Docudays provides the transfer of films to regional partners in digital format, informational materials on films, and provides simultaneous translation or subtitling before the start of the film screening.


NGO Docudays enters into agreements with regional partners on the transfer of non-exclusive author's property rights to the public demonstration (public screening) of films of the International Festival Docudays UA. (The film titles and their timing are defined in Annex № 1 to the contract, which is an integral part of it.)


About the programme of the Travelling Festival

Public and special events, as well as closed events are taking place within the Travelling Docudays UA programme.


The public programme of the Festival includes events that are open and accessible to all. These are film screenings, lectures, workshops, and discussions in open and public spaces: in cinemas, houses of culture, galleries, bookstores, etc.


Special events are partially open events designed for pre-invited audiences, but everyone has access to them.


Closed events are film screenings and lectures for a specific audience, access to which is limited.


Combined format of the 18th Travelling Festival

In 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all public, special and closed events will be held offline and online and in a combined format.

  1. The format (online, offline, or combined) of a separate event or festival in the region (city) is generally determined by the regional partner independently and in accordance with the level of the epidemiological situation in the region (city), informing the Executive Body of Docudays in the funding application and in the schedule of public events.
  2. During offline and combined events, the regional partner is responsible for compliance with all quarantine restrictions in force in the city (region) during the Festival.
  3. During online screenings, the regional partner is responsible for copyright enforcement and protects the film from piracy.
  4. The regional partner holds online film screenings, distributing links only for collective viewing of the film, which are provided by the management team of the Festival. Online film screenings of the Travelling Docudays UA take place in live mode.
  5. In order to expand the audience of public educational events held online, the regional partner attracts media resources and platforms for broadcasting (streaming) educational events of the Festival.


Rules for the preparation of the public programme of the Travelling Festival

  1. The schedule of the Travelling Docudays UA Public Programme Schedule must be sent to the Docudays UA Travelling Festival Project Manager, Director of Docudays UA Networks Department, and Travelling Festival Communication Manager at least 4 weeks before the first event if the Festival starts later (October 1). 2 weeks before the festival, if the Festival starts in September, at [email protected]. Applications submitted later will not be considered.
  2. If there are several partner organizations in one locality that hold the Travelling Festival, they are obliged to create a schedule of the public programme together, forming a promotional plan together and sharing responsibilities and areas of responsibility.
  3. Only one organization can be responsible for a public programme in the city if it has been agreed between the partners that the others focus more on closed or special events.
  4. The public programme of Travelling Docudays UA in the region must have a clearly defined period. A period of no more than 2 weeks is recommended.
  5. The regional partners of one region shall hold a press screening or a press conference together. The press conference is held to announce the Festival, and therefore it should take place at least a week before the start of the Festival.


Recommendations for the Docudays UA Travelling Programme

  1. A balance of open and closed or special activities should be observed.
  2. It is important to adhere to the thematic balance during the preparation of the festival programme and to cover the theme of the Festival as much as possible.
  3. Popular places in the city that have their own audience, a programme of events, and that are also engaged in promotion should become Festival venues.
  4. It is necessary to study current problems of cities and settlements, to organize productive discussions with the moderator, local experts. Cinema can always be an occasion to discuss broader and professional issues.
  5. Involve experts in conversations. Pre-budget the fee for the moderator and photographer.


Requirements for the promotion of Festival events

  1. Prior to the start of the Docudays UA Travelling promotional campaign, the member of the regional partner team responsible for the promotion draws up a detailed communication plan and sends it to the Festival's communication manager for approval.
  2. The promotion of Travelling Docudays UA must take place in advance and cover the entire programme of the Festival.
  3. The promotion should cover both offline and online means of communication.
  4. Public announcements about the Festival must cover the theme of the Festival and be meaningful, accessible, concise, and correct.
  5. Public announcements about the Festival may not distort information, provide erroneous data, resort to discriminatory, offensive, and subjective allegations.
  6. The visual materials that appear about the Travelling Festival in public should correspond to the visual concept of the festival and the developed design, including fonts and image sizes.
  7. After the Travelling Festival events, the regional partner must send the site editor and Festival communication manager photos of at least 2 Festival events, as well as at least 2 texts about the Travelling Festival in their region. The submitted materials must meet the requirements of the Festival management team.


Adherence to copyrights

  1. Screening of one film during the Travelling Festival may take place no more than once than specified in the agreement between the public NGO Docudays and the regional partner.
  2. Upon expiration of the license for the public screening of films within the Travelling Festival, the regional partners undertake to remove the films provided to them from all media where they are stored.


Holding Travelling Docudays UA

The regional coordinator provides timely promotion and high-quality demonstration of films from the Travelling Festival programme and promotes productive discussion after the screenings, organizes and conducts legal education events.


During the preparation and holding of the Travelling Festival, the regional coordinator can ask for advice and support on the programme, promotion of the Festival to the management team of the NGO Docudays.


The Travelling Festival does not provide income from its holding, but to reduce the cost of renting cinemas, the organizers have the right to grant permission to the owners of cinemas to sell tickets, provided that the ticket price does not exceed the cost of technical support for screenings. In this case, the organizers are not entitled to receive rent from the sale of entrance tickets.



About Traveling Docudays UA monitoring 

During the Travelling Festival, the management team can organize monitoring trips made by members of the management team to analyze the quality of the Festival and the preparation of the Festival by regional partners, as well as prepare recommendations to improve the quality of the Travelling events.


Monitoring involves studying and directly visiting the Travelling programme in different areas and evaluating them according to the following criteria:

  1. Thoughtfully selected content: the programme should be accessible and fully present and cover the theme of the Festival.
  2. Correspondence of the programme to the target audience.
  3. Selection, arrangement of the room for high-quality screening.
  4. Attracting popular locations for cultural events in the city/town.
  5. Timely and high-quality promotion of the Festival with the involvement of offline and online communication tools.
  6. Saturated and diverse programme, understanding of the local context, its issues and potential, current discussions and trainings, legal education events.
  7. Involvement of relevant experts and partner organizations for events.
  8. Coordinated work between regional partners within one region.
  9. Ability to plan and take into account the available opportunities for events.



At the end of the Travelling Festival, the regional partner must provide relevant reports on the holding Festival.


Timing and reporting forms


Send to


Final report        

[email protected]



10 days after the end of the festival in your region

Media report

10 days after the end of the festival in your region

Social media report

10 days after the end of the festival in your region


Termination of cooperation with regional partners

The executive body of the NGO Docudays may terminate cooperation with the regional partner if:

  1. The regional partner violates the concluded Cooperation Agreement.
  2. The regional partner does not meet the deadlines for the submission of documents during the preparation for the Travelling Festival.
  3. The regional partner violates this Regulation.
  4. The regional partner does not meet the deadlines for submitting reports.
  5. A representative of a partner organization does not participate in the workshop on the preparation, organization, and holding of the Travelling Festival without valid reasons and prior notice for more than a year.
  6. A representative of a partner organization does not participate in the preparation and holding of the Travelling Festival without valid reasons and prior notice for more than a year.
  7. The regional partner does not adhere to the Declaration of Ethical Principles and does not share the values ​​of the Festival.
  8. The quality of the Travelling Festival organized by the regional partner does not meet the criteria developed by the management team of the Travelling Festival and approved by the Executive Body of the NGO Docudays.
  9. The regional partner does not adhere to the approved schedule of events and communication plan, except for unforeseen circumstances that affect the schedule of events and over which the regional partner has no influence. The Regional Coordinator should immediately notify the management team of the Travelling Docudays UA of such unforeseen circumstances.


21 Travelling Docudays UA International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
October — December 2022