Dragan Wende – West Berlin
Lena Müller
Once he was King, now he is invisible. In this Balkan tragicomical documentary set in West-Berlin, the young cameraman Vuk from Belgrade embarks on the trail of his uncle Dragan Wende who used to be the street king of West Berlin’s hedonistic 1970s disco scene. Being Yugoslav, he also profited from the Berlin Wall. Today, Vuk’s uncle is an aged bordello doorman who lives off social welfare and wants the Wall back. Seen through his nephew's eyes, a microcosm of underdogs and their survival strategies unfolds in this family tale about the Losers of Change in a still-divided city.
Lena Müller studied Philosophy, Political Science and Economics at Oxford University; worked for a human rights think-tank in Belgrade devising large-scale civil society projects; turned to acting in theater and film, and to producing. She founded a theater and film collective in Berlin, worked for documentary companies, founded von.müller.film, was part of Ex Oriente & the Nipkow Programm, and works for BBC Worldwide.
(selected): FAM – Frauen am Montag, fake documentary (2009), Dragan Wende – West Berlin (2012)